There you are
There you are,⠀
Looking at me as if I am everything you dreamed of. Your kind of perfection. Naïve to my insecurities and weaknesses.⠀
Soaking me in, unconditionally.⠀
There you are,⠀
Right in my space, without any desire to be elsewhere. Your safe place. Unaware that you are mine too.⠀
Holding on to me, not letting go.⠀
There you are,⠀
Fighting sleep as if you never want our time together to end. Your nightmare. Unintentionally teaching me to see the battle for what it is. ⠀
Your enjoyment of our time, of us.⠀
There you are,⠀
Messing up the clean, thinking you are “helping”. Your little contribution. Testing me to work on my weaknesses, to embrace imperfect.⠀
You are helping me, to grow. ⠀
There you are,⠀
Reaching for me with tears streaming down your face, as if I am your only cure. Your resolute saviour. Blind to the crowd of people around you.⠀
Seeing only me, for now.⠀
There you are,⠀
Smiling when your dad and I hug, as if it’s the best sight in the world. Your world. Not yet knowing that you are our entire universe, and more.⠀
You’re our star in the night and sun in the rain. ⠀
There you are,⠀
Teaching me, reminding me, helping me grow.⠀
Doing more than you can understand just yet, and more than I can see some days.⠀
Thanks for being there, ⠀
I needed you too. ⠀
Please just stay for a while. ⠀