Stop and see

Overwhelmed Mama,

When you get a moment, stop what you’re doing, unclench your jaw and take a deep breath.

Just stop.

Please just stop.

It’s so important to just stop.

Take a look around you. Focus on every bit of the chaos, even the parts that you would normally try not to see.

Zoom in on all the scattered toys, the crumbs on the couch, and the pile of laundry.

All of that - that mess, that triggering hard to look at still to do on the list mess - that’s proof of what you have done. It’s your reminder of the fun you have made for your children, the importance you have placed on them coming first, of how much you love them.

Then go and look at yourself in the mirror. See yourself completely though the smudges. Honour her in every sense. Remember all that she has done for you. Marvel at the pieces of her that look different, because they are the differences that helped to create the very people that make her smile every day without having to be reminded.

Then find your children and hold them tight. See them smile back at you, hold onto you and not let go. Watch them run to you when things don’t work and hear them call for you when they’re upset. You did that. You made them to start with, and you have now also made them feel safe and content. You have given them the reason to smile and feel that degree of connection.

Then, if you have a partner, call them. Tell them how proud you are of what you are both working hard to create together. Tell them that you appreciate them, and that you can’t wait for them to come home. Wait for them to ask you why you’re being so random, then tell them that these sorts of conversations should never be random. They need to happen every day.

Then go and reheat your coffee and carry on with your day.

Your chaotic, messy, and never feels like there is a moment kind of day.

And when you do, I promise you that your day will be better.

Because you have allowed yourself a moment to value yourself, your children, and your partner.

You have allowed yourself to see what you are all creating together as a family and the beauty in all of the chaos.

And all it took was a moment of just stopping.