Entire story

Mama, I’m so grateful for you.

You are my beginning.

You brought me to life. You are the reason I’m here. You have done so much for me already.

You look in the mirror and see someone new. New lines, new marks, new skin. But that’s all I know. That’s all I love. That’s everything about you that reminds me of our journey.

You may look different now, but I hope your new reminds you of our journey too.

Mama, I’m so grateful for you.

You are my middle.

You carry me each day. You are the reason I smile, grow and love the life I’m learning. You are why I’m learning. You do so much for me every day.

You tell others that you’re tired and need a break. But you don’t tell me that. You get up for me every time no matter the time. You do everything for me all the time when there’s no time for just you. You always put me first.

You may feel like you come second, but not to me. You are my first too.

Mama, I’m so grateful for you.

You are my end.

You are the last person I see before I fall asleep, or reach my place of calm. You are the reason I end my day with a smile and want to start a new day seeing you first.

You say you’re worried about our firsts becoming lasts, but please don’t worry. The lasts mean new firsts together and the memories of them will last forever, I promise.

You may not want to see the end, but you will always be my beginning.

Mama right now you are my entire story.

You are my beginning, my middle and my end.

And I’m just so grateful for you.