What will I do?
I have no clue
I’m wrapped in you tightly
You are my glue
One day you’ll leave
The path we’ve paved
The house will be quiet
The beds will stay made
I’ll stand in your rooms
Reliving our years
I’ll hold your teddies
And swallow my tears
I know I’ll be lost
More so than now
My heart needing more
Than time did allow
You are part of me
The extension I know
So when you’re missing
I’ll need to regrow
It will take time
To sew those seeds
And get used to me
Meeting my needs
I will feel limbless
As I carry on
My load much lighter
But my emptiness strong
It won’t be easy
To let you go
But it’s what you need
That much I know
That time will come
I’ll approach it then
Until then, I’ll live “now”
Not in “but when”.