Your easier will come

To the mother about to expand your family,

I’ve been there twice now.

I know you are worried about what’s to come. How will your oldest adjust to the new? How will you make time for everyone? Is there any more room for the guilt you already know awaits you?

And I’m not going to lie. It’s not always easy.

You only have two hands, so others have to wait.

You will take time to figure out how you can share yourself, and guilt will get the better of you sometimes.

You will spend many moments questioning yourself, and your ability in your new role.

But you get there.

Please believe me when I say that.


And when you get there, you will be able to see the moments that make it all worth it.

While I am still learning my new role as a mother of three, and there are days where I am still well out of my depth, I can tell you it’s getting easier. I can tell you that the moments of clarity are showing up more. I can tell you I believe this was, hands down, the best decision for our family.

Your easier will come too.

Trust me.

It will.