Some say
“Just ignore it” some say,
As you cry and grizzle for me,
“Mum, mum, mum” you plead between tears.
“Just leave her” some say,
As you scream in a heap on the floor,
Your arms trying to find their way to me.
“Just you wait til she’s three” some say,
As I refuse to ignore it, or leave you,
Answering your needs wherever they fall.
Because I can’t just ignore it.
Because I can’t just leave you.
Because I can’t just wait til you’re three.
I’m with you every day.
I’m living with it every day.
You are my every day.
And no matter the day (or night),
I feel it with you.
Hearing you cry is painful,
Your pain is also mine.
Hearing you scream is distressing,
Your distress is also mine.
Hearing you call for me is pulling,
Your calls are mine to answer.
So I answer to you,
Not them.
And I’ll probably be judged by some,
Not you.
And when you’re three it may be harder,
Not sure.
I’m not sure about much really.
Perhaps that’s because we’re always moving through uncharted territory together.
Your firsts are also mine.
But I am sure that how we approach our firsts will be different to how others approach theirs,
And there should be no catch-all right or wrong.
It’s about doing what feels right for us.
And my little lady,
Because you are still so little,
It feels right to go to you,
To answer your needs,
To be there.
And my darling girl,
Because you are still a darling,
What works for you right now feels right for me,
And what works for me right now feels right for you.
And my eldest baby,
Because you are still my baby,
I don’t think I need to wait til you’re three to figure that out.
Even if I could,
That just wouldn’t feel right for us.