The thing about motherhood is that there is often no room for much other than the truest version of you.
The unedited at 2.00am version.
The peeled back from layers of no sleep version.
The overwhelmed, overstimulated and trying version.
And this may not be the version you have embraced much in the past.
Or now.
You may struggle to see the beauty in this updated version.
The natural, imperfect and very human version which is so often exposed through motherhood.
But can I remind you that this version - the complete and unmasked version - the one that includes every part of you - is so loved by your children?
And can I remind you that as you embrace your children in the middle of the night, or on the kitchen floor, or whenever they give you the chance, with their love wrapped around you -
They embrace every part of it,
They embrace your truest version,
They embrace you exactly as they find you?
Because they do.
And I think that’s always worth remembering.
That’s how loveable you are,