Behind the scenes

They don’t see everything.

They see the two pink lines.

The excitement of the news.

The ultrasound photos.

They see the announcement videos.

The beautiful bump updates.

The gender reveals.

They see the baby shower cupcakes.

The fruit comparisons.

The countdown week by week.

They see the social media updates.

The new baby.

The newborn photo shoot.

But what they don’t see are your negative pregnancy tests.

Your previous losses.

Your anxiety as you try again.

What they don’t see is your head in the toilet.

Your feet swelling underneath you.

Your hormones ruining you.

What they don’t see are the days bed-ridden.

The nights awake.

The weeks of wishing away the hard.

What they don’t see are the tears.

The rage.

The incomprehensible guilt.

What they don’t see is the discomfort.

The restlessness.

The worry about what’s coming next.

What they don’t see is the pushing.

The pain.

The cutting and stitching.

What they don’t see is the ongoing bleeding.

The sheer exhaustion.

The overwhelm with all the new.

What they don’t see are the hours on demand.

The lack of sleep.

The broken mother.

Behind the scenes there is such sacrifice, such perseverance, such resilience.

There is a mother pushing through the hard to bring the beauty, the love, the life.

There is a mother who doesn’t just stop when the bump photos do.

They don’t see it all.

But you know it all.

You have lived it all.


Don’t forget your behind the scenes when everyone else does.

Getting through it is an amazing achievement,

And you should be so proud.