Weekends with them

It’s Friday, which means the weekend is almost here.

But it means more than that.

Because although weekends have always meant a lot, now they mean that little bit more.

They mean the only alarm clocks to wake to are them, which also means there is a possibility of no alarms at all, no matter how slight that possibility may be right now.

They mean children’s toys and books in our bed and playing hide and seek under the covers from 5.30am without the need to watch the time or end the fun.

But they can also mean a sleep-in past 6am when I either want or need it, my white noise the sound of them running circles around their dad in the living room.

They mean more hands on deck and a lighter load to carry during the day.

They mean takeaway dinners that I don’t feel as guilty about and lunches out with a co-pilot.

They mean the ability for my husband and I to enjoy more time with each other without the normal stresses of weekday things pressing on us as much.

They mean catching up on things I haven’t managed to touch the sides of all week, and leaving behind the frustrations that came with those.

But they can also mean not catching up anything other than them, because I have more time, rest and perspective to see that those other things really can wait but time with them really can’t.

They mean family movies later than bedtime on beanbags with far too many snacks and not enough beans.

They mean longer showers and shorter unmet needs, with the perfect amount of each other.

Weekends mean a lot to me.

They really do.

Because sometimes it feels like I can’t get the most out of my family, or them out of me during the chaos of the normal weekday grind.

And I want to.

I really do.

Because they - my family - they mean the most to me,

Every day.