The motherhood juggle

The motherhood juggle. It comes with constant overwhelm, intense guilt and extreme exhaustion. ⠀ ⠀

Children, employment, housework, gardening, socialising and spending time with your husband and wider family. There are so many balls in the air, all the time. Some balls are heavier than others but every day you try to control their path by keeping them in motion and catching them before they fall. It’s hard and tiring work which often rids you of personal time, personal care and personal sanity. ⠀ ⠀

As you expel more and more energy from the balls, each takes more and more from you. It’s hard to acknowledge sometimes when you are knee deep in responsibility and personal pressure. You can be your own worst enemy, but I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.⠀ ⠀

For long periods of time you continue the juggle reasonably seamlessly. You may rant and protest but things remain in motion, until the inevitable happens: You drop the ball.⠀
You don’t have enough time.⠀
You don’t have enough focus. ⠀
You don’t have enough energy. ⠀
You knew it was happening but a state of denial and guilt held you prisoner. ⠀
You feel like you have failed. ⠀ ⠀

But do you know what? ⠀
No clown didn’t ever not drop the ball. ⠀ For years they practise to succeed with a certain number of balls and then continue to challenge themselves by adding more.⠀ ⠀

What’s more, that very clown you feel like sometimes is different to you. ⠀ They are paid to keep the balls in the air and their sole purpose is to entertain and please others. ⠀ ⠀

As mothers, our purpose is to keep ourselves and our direct family unit happy and safe. There is no pay, just love.

So next time you drop a ball, don’t beat yourself up about it. Your audience should only be made up of those who will either suggest that you leave out a ball next time or help you to juggle.