What day is it?
I realise it is no longer Christmas but hear me out, I make a point.
I never really know what day it is anymore. The days merge into each other, there is no real structure and certainly no shortage of laundry.
With each new day brings some new developments, new milestones and old habits. It’s all I know right now.
It’s a refreshing mindset when I think about life before becoming mum.
I always knew what day it was, what date it was and what time it was.
With each new day there was a timeline, scheduled appointments and every six minutes were clocked.
It was a different way of life. I was intense but it was all I knew back then.
It’s this time of year that has made me reflect on my current chapter. No one else knows what day it is and most seem happy about that. It’s a lovely stage of life I’m in right now and I’m thankful for that.